Факультет педагогического образования

Деканат: +7 495-939-32-81 info.fpo@org.msu.ru
Учебный отдел: +7 495-939-40-54 edu.fpo@org.msu.ru

Open Day MSU

The Open Doors Day at Lomonosov Moscow State University traditionally takes place in two stages.

Early in the morning, Lomonosov Moscow State University opens the doors of the Main University Building for its future applicants. In the first half of the day, school students and their parents visit the exhibition of MSU faculties and schools. At this exhibition they communicate with teachers and personnel of the faculties, ask them questions concerning education and admission.

And in the afternoon future applicants attend Open Doors Days at the faculties.

At the Faculty of Educational Studies future applicants are traditionally met by the Dean of the Faculty, her deputies and the heads of the Departments of Further Education and Postgraduate Studies.

To learn more about how the Open Doors Days are held at Lomonosov Moscow State University, please watch the video:

Welcome speech by the Faculty Acting Dean – Tatiana Toreeva

Our Faculty presentation

+7 (495) 939-40-54
Faculty of Educational Studies, Office 332 (dean’s office), Office 349 (educational department), 2 Humanities Building, MSU, Leninskiye Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation